Saturday, January 27, 2024

RMAN(Recovery Manager)

  RMAN (Recovery Manager) is an Oracle Utility that can be backup, restore and recover the database file. The RMAN is a feature of the ORACLE database server and does not require separate installation.

RMAN introduced from oracle 8i in 1996

Every target database has to be registered with a catalog database

We can invoke RMAN as a command-line executable from the operating system.

In case of Cold or hot backup 

It is like blind backup or mirror image

ie) Size of backup equal to database size

In RMAN it is Content copy backup, that is Only used blocks backup

For Example:

In 100GB database 

only 60% are used blocks, That is used blocks = 60GB in  that 60GB Used blocks, changed or modified blocks are of only 1GB

The RMAN  complte backup includes 60 GB & incremental backup includes 1 GB

In 10g compressed backup is possible and can do point in time done by tablespace by using RMAN


  • RMAN Keeps a recovery of all the databases that are registered with the catalog
  • When RMAN is invoked to backup or recover a database, it verifies the target database with the stored database id available in the RMAN catalog.
  • If it matches then RMAN establishes two server sessions with the target database.
  • A channel is a remote procedure call (RPC) to the target. database using PL/SQL interface to perform backup and recovery operation.
  • RMAN compiles the command and executes it on the target database with the summary of actions, If booked up to these files are called 'backup pieces' 
  • to backup to tape drive/tape library, We need the "Media Manager" like VNB or LSM
  • Execution of every RMAN backup command produces a backup set that is a logical grouping of one or more physical files  are called "backup Pieces"
  • RMAN backup is going to be the content backup,  not mirror image but only used blocks, thus, it is going to be a lot smaller and faster compared to cold/ hot backup.


  • Corrupt blocks identification
  •  Automated scheduled backups
  • Incremental backup --- only those blocks which are changed since the last backup
  • Automated scheduled backups
  • trass check --- Once the backup is over, again checking against the original file
  • Can generate logs on backup and recovery
  • can share pr-configured scripts in the catalog database that can run anytime
  • A tag can be specified to the backup file
  • file set which can be used even at the time of restore instead of filename
  • Tablespace point in time recovery is possible, In case of cold and hot backups only database point in time recovery is possible
  • Create a duplicate database of the production database for developers / QA People
  • Multiple destinations can be mentioned
  • Cleanup Procedures can be implemented, After performing RMAN successfully backup let RMAN get rid of any obsolete archived log files (expired).


  • Every target database must be registered against the catalog database.
  • In the catalog database, a separate tablespace must be created to hold catalog schemas owner
  • A user should be created in the Catalog database with connect, resource, recovery _catalog_owner privileges


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Logical Backup


1.Logical backup [using export utility] works as an alternative backup method

2.The beauty of export is we can be selective [either at export or at import ]

3.We can export from one user and import into another within the same database.

4.We can export from one database and import into another database [both source and target databases are oracle databases] 

5.Weh  migrating from one platform to another from WINDOWS to SUN SOLARIS then export is the only method to transfer the datab[ at least upon till 9i] since C/R/D files from the source can not be copied over to the target as file systems are different types

6. When Upgrading Oracle software, as a precaution, we can take an export of the full database before the upgrade

if the upgrade utility is able to successfully upgrade software as well as the database then it's ok, but

incase software upgrading is successful whereas database upgradation has failed then we can still use the exported file which we did before the upgradation, so that we can bring back all the data.

7. Over a period of time [3 to 4 months ] as the database get fragmentation, being a DBA we used to go for REORG which includes

  •  export full database
  •  drop the existing database
  •  recreate an empty database with all the required tablespaces
  •  import full data

The dump file is 8 to 10 times smaller than  the database even though we did full export 

The reasons are

1. no base tables are exported into the target database

2. no control or redo log files are exported into the target database

3. no temp tablespace is exported

4. no undo segments since they contain before image

5.from user-index the only definition is exported but not the data

6.tables are exported with data but they may have 90 % free blocks and also 10% pctfree

  Original data---- 10GB

  Occupied data ----- 6GB

  Used data     -------3GB [ 50% of Occupied ]

  reality used data ----2.7GB [ 10% pctfree]

Advantages of exports:

1. Works for alternative  backup solutions

2. Selective exports or imports are possible

3. Can copy objects 

  •    One user to another user
  •    from one database to another database 
  •    from one OS to another OS as export files are platform-independent
  •    from one version to another version

4. Database reorganization [every 3 to 4 months ]

5. ORACLE upgradation

FRM-40010.Cannot read form /visapp/applmgr/fs2/EBSapps/apl/12.0.0/forms/US/JAINAXT.frmx


 To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Execute the below script in apps schema using SQL*PLUS

set serveroutput on;


IF (AD_EVENT_REGISTRY_PKG.Is_Event_Done( p_Owner => 'JA', p_Event_Name => 'JAI_EXISTENCE_OF_TABLES' ) = TRUE) THEN

dbms_output.put_line ( 'Event JAI_EXISTENCE_OF_TABLES for JA is set!!');


dbms_output.put_line ( 'Event JAI_EXISTENCE_OF_TABLES for JA is NOT set.

Please apply jai5188052.drv!!');

end if;


2. If AD_EVENT_REGISTRY_PKG.Is_Event_Done returns 'FALSE' for JA Owner it means the JAI_EXISTENCE_OF_TABLES is not set.

3. For 12.2.X, manually run below two files to make "Event JAI_EXISTENCE_OF_TABLES for JA as set"

a. jai_set_ad_event.sql. Pass input as JA. and not Application ID 7000

b. jai_enable_trg_elim.sql

The files will be located in cd $JA_TOP/patch/115/sql

6. Once done please bounce the instance.

7. Now please check if the file is located in the following directory, run the following UNIX commands using Form - JAINTAXT.fmb.

$ echo $AU_TOP

$ echo $JA_TOP

$ ls -al $AU_TOP/forms/US/JAINTAXT.fmb

$ ls -al $AU_TOP/forms/US/JAINTAXT.fmx

8. If the .fmb form is located OK, then use ADADMIN utility to compile/generate the form .fmx file.

9. Please run the following SQL in the APPS schema via SQL*PLus

SELECT * FROM FND_Languages WHERE installed_flag IN ('I','B' ) ;

10. Get a screenshot of the definition of Oracle Financials for India Responsibility you are accessing via the System Administrator.

If English is your Base Language, files should be located under US.

The .fmb file is found in AU_TOP.

11. Check the following to ensure the executable file is under JA_TOP.

$ ls -al $JA_TOP/forms/US/JAINTAXT.fmx

12. Use the ADADMIN utility to compile/generate the forms.

13. Re-test the issue for the 'Define Tax Type' form and confirm the form now opens with no Error.

14. Follow steps from 7 to 12 for remaining forms like JAINRGIMN.fmx

15. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Prerequisite Steps to Configure Oracle Fusion Middleware Components for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Before Applying CPU patch

 I have applied JAN Critical Patch 31304503 [IMPORTANT: Follow Note 2555355.1 before applying.]

    - Filename:

If applied the Patch 31304503 the following OPMN will log the following Error:

[opmn] [ERROR:1] [] [ons-secure] Connection server SSL set credentials failed (43084)

[opmn] [ERROR:1] [222] [ons-secure] c

To avoid failures when trying to start OPMN and OHS


The Following Prerequisite Steps to configure:

1.login into the application server (ie applmgr (username)

2. Source the run file system environment 

[applmgr@visebsapp appl]$ . APPSVIS_visebsapp.env

3. Set an alias for the correct orapki

[applmgr@visebsapp appl]$ alias orapki=$FMW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/orapki

[applmgr@visebsapp appl]$ cd

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ ls

bea  oradiag_applmgr

4. Create new wallet an self signed certificate in $HOME/ss

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ cd $HOME

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ pwd


[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ ls

bea  oradiag_applmgr

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ mkdir ~/ss

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ ls

bea  oradiag_applmgr  ss

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ cd ~/ss

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ ls

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ orapki wallet create -wallet ./ -auto_login_only

Oracle PKI Tool : Version

Copyright (c) 2004, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ orapki wallet add -wallet . -dn "CN=FMWSmallCircleOfTrust" -asym_alg RSA -keysize 2048 -sign_alg sha256 -self_signed -validity 3652 -aut                                          o_login_only

Oracle PKI Tool : Version

Copyright (c) 2004, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

5. verify that the wallet was properly created:

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ orapki wallet display -wallet .

Oracle PKI Tool : Version

Copyright (c) 2004, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Requested Certificates:

User Certificates:

Subject:        CN=FMWSmallCircleOfTrust

Trusted Certificates:

Subject:        CN=FMWSmallCircleOfTrust

6. Find the Instance name of this environment 

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ tr < $CONTEXT_FILE '<>' '  ' | awk '/"s_ohs_instance"/ {print $(NF-1)}'


[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ iName=$(tr < $CONTEXT_FILE '<>' '  ' | awk '/"s_ohs_instance"/ {print $(NF-1)}' )

7. Go to the instance directory

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ cd $FMW_HOME/webtier/instances/$iName

8. Find the default wallets used by this instance

[applmgr@visebsapp EBS_web_VIS_OHS1]$ find . -name cwallet.sso | fgrep -v /webgate/




9.Verify each wallet only contains the ss cerificate:

[applmgr@visebsapp EBS_web_VIS_OHS1]$ find . -name cwallet.sso | fgrep -v /webgate/ | while read w ; do echo -e "\n$w"; orapki wallet display -nologo -wallet $w ;

> done


Requested Certificates:

User Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS_OHS1\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US

Trusted Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS_OHS1\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US


Requested Certificates:

User Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US

Trusted Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US


Requested Certificates:

User Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US

Trusted Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US

10. Copy the new SHA-256 signed wallet to all default wallet locations.

[applmgr@visebsapp EBS_web_VIS_OHS1]$ find . -name cwallet.sso | fgrep -v /webgate/ | while read w ; do echo $w; cp -p ~/ss/cwallet.sso $w ; done




[applmgr@visebsapp EBS_web_VIS_OHS1]$


Prerequisite Steps to Configure Oracle Fusion Middleware Components for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Before Applying the July 2019 and Later FMW OSS Security Patch (Doc ID 2555355.1)

 I have applied JAN Critical Patch 31304503 [IMPORTANT: Follow Note 2555355.1 before applying.]

    - Filename:

If applied the Patch 31304503 the following OPMN will log the following Error:

[opmn] [ERROR:1] [] [ons-secure] Connection server SSL set credentials failed (43084)

[opmn] [ERROR:1] [222] [ons-secure] SSL initialization failed

To avoid failures when trying to start OPMN and OHS


The Following Prerequisite Steps to configure:

1.login into the application server (ie applmgr (username)

2. Source the run file system environment 

[applmgr@visebsapp appl]$ . APPSVIS_visebsapp.env

3. Set an alias for the correct orapki

[applmgr@visebsapp appl]$ alias orapki=$FMW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/orapki

[applmgr@visebsapp appl]$ cd

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ ls

bea  oradiag_applmgr

4. Create new wallet an self signed certificate in $HOME/ss

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ cd $HOME

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ pwd


[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ ls

bea  oradiag_applmgr

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ mkdir ~/ss

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ ls

bea  oradiag_applmgr  ss

[applmgr@visebsapp ~]$ cd ~/ss

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ ls

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ orapki wallet create -wallet ./ -auto_login_only

Oracle PKI Tool : Version

Copyright (c) 2004, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ orapki wallet add -wallet . -dn "CN=FMWSmallCircleOfTrust" -asym_alg RSA -keysize 2048 -sign_alg sha256 -self_signed -validity 3652 -aut                                          o_login_only

Oracle PKI Tool : Version

Copyright (c) 2004, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

5. verify that the wallet was properly created:

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ orapki wallet display -wallet .

Oracle PKI Tool : Version

Copyright (c) 2004, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Requested Certificates:

User Certificates:

Subject:        CN=FMWSmallCircleOfTrust

Trusted Certificates:

Subject:        CN=FMWSmallCircleOfTrust

6. Find the Instance name of this environment 

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ tr < $CONTEXT_FILE '<>' '  ' | awk '/"s_ohs_instance"/ {print $(NF-1)}'


[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ iName=$(tr < $CONTEXT_FILE '<>' '  ' | awk '/"s_ohs_instance"/ {print $(NF-1)}' )

7. Go to the instance directory

[applmgr@visebsapp ss]$ cd $FMW_HOME/webtier/instances/$iName

8. Find the default wallets used by this instance

[applmgr@visebsapp EBS_web_VIS_OHS1]$ find . -name cwallet.sso | fgrep -v /webgate/




9.Verify each wallet only contains the ss cerificate:

[applmgr@visebsapp EBS_web_VIS_OHS1]$ find . -name cwallet.sso | fgrep -v /webgate/ | while read w ; do echo -e "\n$w"; orapki wallet display -nologo -wallet $w ;

> done


Requested Certificates:

User Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS_OHS1\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US

Trusted Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS_OHS1\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US


Requested Certificates:

User Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US

Trusted Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US


Requested Certificates:

User Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US

Trusted Certificates:

Subject:        CN=Self-Signed Certificate for EBS_web_VIS\20,OU=OAS,O=ORACLE,L=REDWOODSHORES,ST=CA,C=US

10. Copy the new SHA-256 signed wallet to all default wallet locations.

[applmgr@visebsapp EBS_web_VIS_OHS1]$ find . -name cwallet.sso | fgrep -v /webgate/ | while read w ; do echo $w; cp -p ~/ss/cwallet.sso $w ; done




[applmgr@visebsapp EBS_web_VIS_OHS1]$


Prerequisite Steps to Configure Oracle Fusion Middleware Components for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Before Applying the July 2019 and Later FMW OSS Security Patch (Doc ID 2555355.1)

Saturday, January 20, 2024

ERROR "Use of uninitialized value $result in split "at /u01/TESTASCP/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/ line 1294.


I started adop patch, the first phase  I got this type of Error

The file txkADOPValidations.error for adop session shows the following:

 Use of uninitialized value $result in split at 

/u01/TESTASCP/fs1/EBSapps/appl/au/12.0.0/perl/TXK/ line 1294.

Root Cause is Patch context file is missing in the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table

Solution :

1. Get the value of the Context file

  Source the PATCH file system

2. Echo value of $CONTEXT FILE, Note the Context_file, use  in step: 4

3. Source the RUN File system

4. on the Master node, execute the command in the Run file system to upload the patch context file in the database


   action=upload \ contextfile=<Enter Your Full Patch Context XML File Location> \


  Example :


   action=uplod \      contextfile=/u01/oracle/PROD/fs2/inst/apps/PROD_ebsapp/appl/admin/PROD_ebsapp01.xml \


5. Finally run the query and should return some values :

 select distinct(PATH) from FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES where NAME not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA','config.txt') and CTX_TYPE='A' and (status is null or upper(status) in ('S','F')) and EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(TEXT),'//file_edition_type') = 'patch';

now Once again start the ADOP phase=prerpare

now the issue has been solved.

ORA-00257:archiver error, connect internal only until freed

 log shows below error and users are unable to connect to the database

First check  in alert log

Following is error is 

Errors in file \u01\oracle\product\11.2.0\diag\rdbms\TESTPROD\testprod\trace\test_arc1_1010.trc

ORA-16038: log 3 sequence# 1459 cannot be archived

ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files

ORA-00312: online log 3 thread 1: '\u01\oracle\oradata\TESTPROD\redo03.LOG'

Cause of this message is because archive log file destination was changed or someone deleted/moved the archive log files manually using OS commands.


ARC1: Failed to archive thread 1 sequence 1459 (1809)

ARCH: Archival stopped, error occurred. Will continue retryi

How to resolve ORA-00257 errors


1.first check the archive log file location

 i ) SQL> archive log list;

Database log mode Archive Mode 

Automatic archival Enabled 

Archive Destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST 

Oldest online log sequence 384 

Next log sequence to archive 386 

Current log sequence 386

  ii ) show parameter db_recovery_file_dest;

2. If get location , then removed unwanted old files

check du -sch

remove unwanted file rm -rh <filename >

archive log file stored in FLASHBACK_RECOVERY_AREA

check the size of the

Also get the size of the db_recovery_file_dest

show parameter db_recovery_file_dest_size; 

and also check the RMAN BACKUP details

RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;

RMAN> delete expired archivelog all;

If using flashback recovery area, then u can check the usage 

SQL>show parameter db_recovery_file_dest_size; 


SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=150G  scope=both;

The issue has been resolved

ADOP (Online Patch ) 12.2 Steps

 There are below 5 Phases of ADOP(online patching):

  2.  APPLY
  5.  CLEANUP 


1. Download the patch and unzip on patch_top.

2. Must go through Readme.html or readme.txt.

3. Prepare the system for patching

source the run file system

adop phase=prepare

4. Check the adop status

$ adop -status

5. Goto next phase called Apply Phase

$adop phase=apply patches=<patch_number>

$ adop -status

6. Goto next phase called Finalize Phase

$ adop phase=finalize

$ adop -status

7. Goto next phase called Cutover Phase

$ adop phase=cutover

$ adop -status

Note : kindly stop the Concurrent manager, go to

check the status and stop the concurrent manager

stop the concurrent manager  stop

To check the status of the concurrent manager 

ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR

if running concurrent manager 

kill the process_id

kill -9 <process _id>

8. Open new terminal, Source the environment 

. /oracle/WEPPROD/EBS1224/EBSapps run

 Goto next phase called Cleanup Phase

$adop phase=cleanup

$ adop -status


Keep checking Status after every Phase (adop -status)

If there are some reason either the prepare or apply phase failed or any problems then you can abort this patching cycle.

$adop phase=abort

But always remember, after running abort, you must always run a full cleanup as:

$adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full

Friday, January 19, 2024

DB Cold Backup of ORACLE R12.2 step by step


1. Crontab Check

If you want to take cold backup, first check-in database   Crontab Job scheduled or not  

Check the status of the crontab

[root@r12prddb ~]# crontab -l

00 01 * * 1-5 su oraprod -c ". /home/oraprod/rman_script/"
40 01 * * 1-5 su oraascp -c ". /home/oraascp/rman_scripts/"

40 02 * * 1-5 su obieedb -c ". /home/obieedb/rman_scripts/

now disable the crontab , using command crontab -e

#00 01 * * 1-5 su oraprod -c ". /home/oraprod/rman_script/"
#40 01 * * 1-5 su oraascp -c ". /home/oraascp/rman_scripts/”

Please add sysmbol #

now check-in status of the crontab -l

Note: if crontab is active

, we can not shut down the database.

2.Pre clone the PROD DB

We are connecting to <oraprod> USER

oraprod@r12prddb ~]$ cd  /u01/PROD/db/tech_st/12.1.0/ 

oraprod@12prddb  12.1.0] cd   appsutil/scripts/PROD_r12prddb

oraprod@r12prddb PROD_r12prddb]$ pwd


[oraprod@r12prddb PROD_r12prddb]  perl dbTier 

preclone runnig Max 4 to 5 mins

Preclone Successfully completed in PROD EBS DB

Once done we can take a backup,

Note : In ORACLE EBS  first stop all application services then after only down the Database

Down the database Procedure :

1. Stop All application Services 

2. Check the database status

[oraprod@r12prddb ~]$ ps -ef | grep tns

oraprod 27642 1 0 May11 ? 00:00:09 /u01/PROD/db/tech_st/12.1.0/bin/tnslsnr PROD -inherit
oraprod 30501 30457 0 02:35 pts/6 00:00:00 grep tns

source the database 

[oraprod@r12prddb ~]$cd /u01/PROD/db/tech_st/12.1.0/

[oraprod@r12prddb 12.1.0]$

[oraprod@r12prddb 12.1.0]$ . PROD_r12prddb.env

2. Shut down the database

[oraprod@r12prddb 12.1.0]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> select name from v$database;


SQL > shut immediate

database down , now stop the listener

SQL> exit

[oraprod@r12prddb 12.1.0]$  lsnrctl stop PROD

3. TAR Backup :

Note : take backup before check mount point space is available or not 

 connect to <root> user then will take backup

DATABASE Location is /u01/PROD/db

now we want take backup of   "db"

we are going to take backup of TAR backp 

Using TAR command take backup of DB
command  is < tar -cvzf file.tar.gz db/>

file.tar.gz  is backup loaction
db is backup of the source file

[root@r12prddb PROD]  tar -cvzf  /backup/PROD/12May20/prod_db_fullbkp.tar.gz  db/

Time is taking depends on the database size.

How to stop and start concurrent manager in Oracle EBS R12.2 ?


 1. To Check the Concurrent manager status

/visapps/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_visebsapp/admin/scripts ==>$ADMIN_SCRIPT_HOME

[applmgr@visebsapp scripts]$ status

You are running version 120.19.12020000.7

Enter the APPS username : apps

Enter the APPS password :

Internal Concurrent Manager is Active. exiting with status 0 check the logfile /visapps/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_visebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information ...

[applmgr@visebsapp scripts]$

2. To stop the Concurrent manager:

[applmgr@visebsapp scripts]$ stop

Enter the APPS username : APPS

Enter the APPS password :

Shutting down concurrent managers for VIS ...

ORACLE Password:

Submitted request 25312851 for CONCURRENT FND SHUTDOWN check the logfile /visapps/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_visebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.tx for more information ...

3. To check the Concurrent status:

[applmgr@visebsapp scripts]$ ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR

applmgr   6285  6480  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:25 FNDLIBR                                                                   

applmgr   7167  6225  0 11:28 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto FNDLIBR

4.Kill the Process:

kill -9 process id 

kill -9 6285

5.To check the Concurrent status:

[applmgr@visebsapp scripts]$ ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR

applmgr   7167  6225  0 11:28 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto FNDLIBR

6. To start the concurrent manager :

[applmgr@visebsapp scripts]$ start version 120.3

Checking for FNDFS executable.

Starting listener process VIS. exiting with status 0 check the logfile /visapps/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/VIS_visebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.tx for more information ...

7. To check the Concurrent status:

[applmgr@visebsapp scripts]$ ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR

[applmgr@visebsapp scripts]$ ps -ef | grep FNDLIBR

applmgr   6485  6480  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:25 FNDLIBR                                                                   

applmgr   7439  6225  0 11:31 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto FNDLIBR

applmgr   7647  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:00 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7648  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:00 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7651  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:00 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7658  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:04 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7660  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:03 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7661  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:03 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7663  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:04 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7665  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:02 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7667  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:04 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7668  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:03 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7672  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:02 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7673  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:02 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7674  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:03 FNDLIBR                                                                                                                                                                                             

applmgr   7675  7558  0 Aug19 ?        00:00:00 FNDLIBR          


How to bounce the(restart) Apache server in Oracle EBS R12.2 ?

   1. login to our EBS instance using the putty tool 2. login applmgr user  3. Set the Apps Environment file applmgr  32497     1  0 Aug23 ?...